Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Q Notes, Day 107

Some of many things we know about Donny Dhump are that
  • if he denies doing something, he did it, but
  • if he claims he did something, he didn't.
  • And, if he says he knows about something, he doesn't, but
  • if he says he knows nothing about something, he's lying.
Since his behavior patterns are so predictable, there's no reason to believe a single thing he says about the Russian bounty issue.

You can't spell traitor, treason or trump without TR.

More from electoral-vote.com - The biggest threat to our national security is the Dhumpster.

COVID-19 is out of control, as we were warned it probably would be if we pretended it would go away on its own. It's a goddamned cryin' shame, but those Americans who've been diligently trying to do all the right things are being punished because of those who believe fundamental precautions are too inconvenient.

Republican leadership means being led in the wrong direction, or not being led at all. Those are the only possibilities in the 21st century. By now, every (R) in federal or state government is basically just a performer (or an extra) in the TV reality show called "Hey Now, It's Trump Time!"

One of the worst of the worst is that Ron DeSantis guy who's "governor" in Florida.

Not all of the news is bad.

Late night bulletin: Donny Dhump's campaign team has decided that Donny can be successful in November if he pretends he isn't the incumbent who has racked up a string of massive failures. Instead, he'll run as the outsider, challenging the failed incumbent, Joe Biden. Poor Donny insists on playing his (only) greatest hit over and over and over and over and over... trapped in a make-believe world.

Sorry, Dhumpy, but posing as a political outsider while living in the White House are irreconcilable.

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