Thursday, June 25, 2020

Q Notes, Day 102

The country would probably be better off if Donnie Dhump was as engrossed in solving the COVID-19 problem as he is in protecting statues of Confederate heroes. Or maybe he could protect voter participation in elections as diligently as he protects Neo-Nazis, the KKK, and other white supremacy advocates.

Sometimes visual aids are helpful in clarifying the kind of insanity that's been unleashed in America during the Era of Covfefe. It was sickening to say the least, but I managed to get through all the videos last night. Those are some really fucked-up people.

@, the polls are looking favorable for Biden, much less so for Dhump. In most of the recent national polls, Biden is leading with 50 percent or more, meaning that if he gets 40-50 percent of the undecideds, he should win big in the popular vote, and clear 270 votes in the EC.

More @ If Lovely Lindsey Graham's recent behavior is a clue, some of the (R)s in the Senate may no longer be joined at the hip with the Dhumpster.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of holding the presidential debates without a live audience. It would piss off the Dhumpster, for one thing.

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