Sunday, July 5, 2020

Q Notes, Day 112

This is the last day of the 16th week of our mostly-quarantined life. I made my weekly trip to Walmart, partly because I needed a few things, but partly to see for myself if people were complying with, or rebelling against, the new state orders requiring face masks in public places (like Walmart). I am pleased to report that the store had the number of people, workers and customers, that I typically see milling around in Walmart around midday on Sunday, and everyone I saw was wearing some type of face covering. Until today, the only store I'd been in with 100 percent mask use was Half Price Books - after they made wearing masks a requirement to enter the store.

I don't know how long it'll be until I go into a place where numerous customers are bucking the system, but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen eventually. Maybe I'll be surprised.

Digby @ Hullabaloo on "The New Message" -  Donny Shunk is apparently willing to surrender in his long effort to minimize the COVID-19 crisis, and promote instead the idea that COVID is bad, but that we must learn to live with it and resume our lives as they were in 2019. Good luck with that shit. 

PS: In my county, 98.6 percent of the people who have been confirmed as COVID carriers haven't died yet. Am I willing to gamble that I wouldn't be one of the unlucky 1.4 percent?

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