Saturday, April 25, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 41

"Pumping sunshine up your ass" is a figure of speech I picked up at Fort Sill some years ago. Pre-MF45, it was idiomatic. Now, it's a national health policy proposal.

When MF45 replaces highly capable professionals who have experience and expertise with ass-kissers like Stephen Moore, we get the 200,000,000 space suits idea instead of getting down to the serious business of solving the problem.

It's impossible to imagine how different life could be if MF45 loved the United States more than he loves himself. No sense dwelling on fantasies.

Finally some good news.

More good news. Apparently the daily shit circuses are over. MF45 must've been persuaded to make them shorter and less frequent by people who study polling data for him. I never watched one on TV, but I was able to see excerpts from several of them on various liberal blogs.

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