Monday, April 20, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 36

I normally avoid Politico and The Hill, both of which are are entirely too sympathetic toward MF45 and the (R)s in general. But I came across the link to a Politico article on GAO oversight that looked promising, so I deviated from my rule this afternoon.

Political Wire reports poll that shows roughly 70-30 split on the reopening issue, with the vast majority in favor of exercising caution instead of rushing into something that will probably make matters worse. Here's a clue: Anything MF45 is for is probably going to fuck things up royally. Only the world's dumbest assholes are still 100 percent behind that bloated cockwomble.

Ideally, every TV network would refuse to air those so-called "press briefings" that MF45 is using as substitute campaign rallies. A few cable news outfits have been cutting away, which is a tiny step in the right direction. I've never actually watched one of his shit circuses, but I'm seeing stuff online that indicates some press members are doing what they can to take all the fun out of it for lard ass. Until we reach complete blackout. this will have to do.

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