Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 46

My world has changed in a number of ways since mid-March: a lot less driving around, and a lot less traffic when I do. No shopping at my favorite stores or walking at the mall. A gasoline bill for an entire month under 15 bucks. Wearing a mask when I go for groceries, and seeing at least 70 percent of other shoppers wearing them too.

One thing that hasn't changed: Massive Failure (MF) 45 is still convinced that he can motivate American voters by telling them what he thinks they want to hear, even though everything he says is a deliberate lie, or some shit he just made up, or some result he thinks he can cause by wishing for it.

Another thing that has changed: The (D) party has a decent shot at regaining a Senate majority, and maybe even flipping a seat or two in red state shit-holes like Georgia, Kansas or Montana.

If that asshole Pence refused to wear a mask while visiting the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look like a tough stud, he shouldn't have his old lady lying about it for him on TV.

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