Thursday, October 17, 2019


I'd reached my limit and turned off last night's Democratic debate on CNN long before the last question, but I've read that it led to some discussion about forgiving and forgetting... that "Let's be nice and work together" bullshit that sounds good but is irrelevant in a nation with Donny Strunz, Moscow Mitch, and Booger Barr filling top government jobs. You know, the kind of idealistic question that (R) politicians are never asked, but (D) politicians always are.

After a few months of watching the orange shit stain pretending to be a so-called precedent (sic), I realized there was no place for his loyal supporters in my life, and I decided that I had just enough tolerance to excuse, at most, four or five close friends or relatives who might eventually be exposed as Strunz voters, but prudently tried to conceal the fact from me. To hell with all the rest of those assholes.

About 25 percent of Americans are willing to admit there's nothing Strunz could do that would turn them against him. When it comes to forgiving that level of assholery, count me out.

If it's obviously white, Strunz says it's black. If it's obviously hot, he says it's cold. If it's obviously up, he says it's down. If it's obviously wet, he says it's dry. This shit goes on day after day, but his deplorable deadend disciples believe his version every time. That alone means (a) they're too stupid to realize he's lying to them, or (b) they're too depraved to care. We don't need to be worrying about how to forgive them; we need to be working out a plan to deport them to Russia.

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