Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Deplorable, proud of it

Rain in the forecast caused me to get an early start on the morning mall walk today, and I'm thankful for that. I experienced my first official sighting of a confirmed Deplorable by passing within six feet of a scrawny white geezer in one of those red MAGAt ball caps that are made in China for Donnie Guano. I completed three passes in less than 48 minutes.

Since 2016, I've seen several hundred photos of rednecks, yahoos, and mental cases wearing those fucking caps, but I've never actually been close to any Homo sapiens who was wearing one. As of early September, I was ready to give up hope. After nearly three years of this shit, I didn't expect to run into anyone who's still so proud to be a Disciple of Donnie that he'd wear a MAGAt cap in public. It's a crazy world, I guess.

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