Monday, May 25, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 71

Now beginning the 11th week.

Here's something pathetic: TrumPestilence is threatening to move the (R) national convention out of North Carolina unless the state guarantees that maximum attendance will not be limited due to COVID-19 considerations. He's in desperate need of an adoring crowd. I can see advantages to packing as many (R) big wheels as possible into a confined space for several days. The expected attendance is 50,000 (R) assholes, but what if 2 percent of them are infected with the microbes from hell?

Juanita Jean on the manipulation of public opinion via social media bots. Comments are worth reading.

Question: Would four years of this TrumPest bullshit have been possible if the Wasilla Wonder Mom hadn't happened first?

TrumPestilence has been lying about important stuff and insignificant stuff almost constantly since he announced he was running to be the next so-called precedent (sic). He claims now that he's finished his hydroxychloroquine program and it was great. Sorry, but I doubt if he ever started, much less finished.

Is America under TrumPestilence a failed state? A solid argument can be made that it is now.

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