Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 66

It's not breaking news that Ah Soul is a goddamned idiot.

In Michigan, when it rains, it pours, but they voted for the motherfucker, so in a way, they were just asking for it.

Show me a doctor who can be recruited for Ah Soul's latest propaganda effort, and I'll show you a doctor who shouldn't be licensed to practice medicine in the United States.

Successful governors who are getting high approval ratings have earned them in spite of Ah Soul, not because of him.

There's no question that Ah Soul depends on those campaign pep rallies for the ego boosts they provide. One reason he's been more insane than usual since March is probably the fact that he's been away from the campaign trail he started traveling in 2017.

Ah Soul met with Senate (R)s and the main topic of discussion was, you guessed it, his reelection (sic) campaign. That's been his focal point since he finished taking the oath of office (an act which in itself was meaningless to him).

When a Senate committee issues a subpoena to Hunter Biden, let's see if he says GFY and ignores it. The new rules make that okay.

Every single person that Ah Soul has placed in a paid government position is nearly as corrupt and incompetent as Ah Soul himself. Many, like Fat Mike Pompeo, have already been exposed as worthless filth, and the rest will be before this shit circus is over. The task for historians will be to determine if there's ever been an administration as rotten from top to bottom as this one.

And the situation is made even more horrible by the (R)s in Congress. They weren't hired by Ah Soul, but are equally dangerous because they let him get away with it, even encourage him.

When incompetence and indifference are the only notable characteristics of the people making decisions, the inevitable results are wasted time, wasted money and wasted resources. We'd be better off doing nothing until we can get people who know what they're doing.

The bad news: Inspectors general in various departments are being axed. The good news: The shady deals they were investigating will get some media coverage. I'm hoping to see some congressional testimony.

Every time Ah Soul attacks Barack Obama, I think he reminds most Americans of a time when we had a capable president who quietly and effectively got things accomplished, instead of a nationally televised freak show starring a manic has-been, blasting us into exhaustion 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If opinion polls are correct, about 40 percent enjoy the TV freak show, but the rest are ready for some relief.

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