Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Russian Asset

Finally, somebody on CNN asks the right questions and gets the right answers. In this case, it's a former Fox News analyst named Ralph Peters, in an interview with Anderson Cooper. The mainstream media need to face facts and start beating the drum: Donnie Dogsquat is a Russian asset, and needs to be dealt with as one. Everything that fat motherfucker has done has weakened our international leadership position, destabilized our political system, and will eventually create economic chaos. That looks to me like he's making Putin's wishes come true.

From The Rude Pundit, something more Americans should read, and something I wish I'd written myself.

Updated 1:14 PM Friday 8 June: Sorry, Donnie. You aren't Putin's worst nightmare. You're his ultimate wet dream, you stupid asshole. It's so bad that Putin has changed Donnie's code name to Fairy Godmother. What really turns my stomach is that the Russian asset doesn't even try to conceal his treason, but the media still won't accept the reality of what they're seeing.

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