Thursday, August 3, 2017

Some great news, some that's not so hot

Poor Donnie Covfefe (sic) is sad because Vladimir called him a weak Pussydent (sic), so he's making bad tweets about Congress. Right now, the best thing that can happen for America is Donnie declaring war on other Republicans. It's not the same as free money, but it'll do for now.

Added 12:00 PM same day: The Washington Post has released actual transcripts of telephone conversations between Donny and the president of Mexico and another one between Donny and the Australian prime minister. Covfefe (sic) is why the United States is now the laughingstock of the world.

Added 7:58 PM same day: It's extremely important that every American understands that Republicans in general, and Donny Covfefe in particular, are responsible for the soaring costs of health insurance coverage this year. If the people getting screwed still want to vote for the rotten bastard(s), that's up to them. Some will, but they're hopeless and are getting what they fucking deserve.

The madman is mad, man.

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