Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wait a SEC

As a rule, I consider people who write columns for the sports sections of newspapers to be a joke, especially when their biases are noticeable. The column by Richard Justice in today's Houston Chronicle is an exception since his point is one that I generally agree with. Last night's football game in Arlington established that TAMU isn't ready at this stage to compete in the SEC. The teams that have been thumping the Aggies (Tennessee, Georgia, LSU and Arkansas) aren't the cream of the SEC crop, either.

TAMU may be on the verge of being consistently competitive in the new version of the Big 12 (the one with ten teams), and that's good. We'll know they've taken the next step when they can (a) win a bowl game, or (b) beat an SEC team, or best of all (c) beat an SEC team in a bowl game. 

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