Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A purchasing dilemma

I see Rick Perry is on tour to promote sales of his new book (Fed Up). There's another twenty dollars saved. I still have the 20 bucks I saved by not buying Sarah Palin's equally vapid hardcover.

Today, the new Stephen King book (Full Dark, No Stars) was released. One of the local bookstores was selling it for fourteen dollars, a fifty percent discount. King's books are, with rare exceptions, the only ones I ever buy new, and I generally keep them after I've finished reading them. It's a tradition with me.

I arrived at the store and on the display shelf right next to King's book was the brand new presidential memoir by George W. Bush. Now I can only buy one new hardcover book today, so which one will it be ? Stephen King or W ? It was a tough call, and took me at least two seconds to make it.

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