Monday, January 18, 2010


This morning RG wrote on her Facebook page that she was really looking forward to seeing Shutter Island and The White Ribbon. I'm a fan of Dennis Lehane and read Shutter Island, so I'm also hoping the movie version will be worth seeing. I hadn't heard of The White Ribbon, though, so I went to the MRQE website to see if Roger Ebert had reviewed it.

I've been following Ebert fairly regularly for several decades, and he has the tenure and credentials as a film critic to earn the respect of laymen like myself. Over the years, I've learned that Ebert and I almost always agree on the A movies and F movies, and usually aren't too far apart on the Bs, Cs, and Ds either. He wrote a glowing review of The White Ribbon, but since it's a foreign film, I'm not counting on seeing it in a local theater. It looks like a great DVD prospect, however.

Another movie I've considered seeing is The Lovely Bones. Considering the subject matter, I wondered how the movie version of the novel earned a PG-13 rating. While I was reading Ebert, I checked his review and learned that he would apparently give it the proverbial "thumbs down." I may still see it, but I'm much less enthusiastic about the idea.

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