Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday moaning and uncertainty

Edited for comments: Finally, Shallow Thoughts has found something here that irritates him enough to bring him out of his shell of reticence. One of my few goals in life has been attained. Thank you, Shallow, and come back any time.

For those wondering what it looked like, this is a picture of American fear: a section of the border fence being erected in Arizona to keep the Mexicans out. Way to go, Arizona !

I don't know if somewhere along the way I stopped speaking English, or if the meaning of words changed over the years. When I was younger, the terms STAR and HERO were used to describe people who had accomplished something unique or special that set them apart from everyone else. A hero had performed an uncommon act of courage or bravery, and a star was the prominent gifted performer who everyone was buying tickets to see. Stars and heroes were relatively rare. These days, anyone who gets in front of a camera is referred to as a star, and anyone who wears a uniform is referred to as a hero. To me, both terms have been devalued, or maybe I didn't understand them to begin with.

In USA Today there's an article about a recent Gallup poll showing 13 percent of Americans think the economy is improving, compared with 78 percent who think it's getting worse and 6 percent who think there's been no change. You may've noticed that only adds up to 97 percent; there's the usual three percent who have no opinion. I'm not sure why virtually every poll typically shows 3 percent in the undecided category. How oblivious do you have to be to have no opinion whatsoever on any issue so newsworthy they're taking polls on it (e.g., the economy, presidential elections, gasoline prices, Bush's job performance, O.J. Simpson, Princess Di, and so on) ? It's not a test: they're not asking for your knowledge of the subject, just your freakin' opinion. Make something up, for God's sake. Someone once said that opinions are like a-holes; everybody has one. I guess that's another untrue generalization.

Americans are always bragging about how the nation was established on a foundation of Christian principles, so please explain to me why the worst predatory lending practices target those least able to afford them. Was that what Jesus did ?

Lloyd Carr announced he's retiring as head football coach at Michigan. Just what A&M needs-another high profile program looking for a super prospect in a market that doesn't have too many.

It seems like the 2008 election is becoming all Hillary all the time. For months, she's been sucking up oxygen on the Dem side, and now the Repubs are trying to position themselves as "the one who can beat Hillary." I don't know about you, but I'm getting bored with it.


  1. I like walls and I am AFRAID of my kids/grandkids working for $.30 an hour which the traitor capitalists would like in order to enrich themselves. I know. I know we just have to learn to be more competitive. A nice individual trait to be promoted versus the power of group external forces.
    Shallow Thoughts has spoken

  2. As I have explained to my sister in law as to what her problem is when she rants over gun control.
    The psyche of human beings is like the dog. Some of these dog impulses are controlled by individual will and/or mitigated through education and religion. Group forces exert control. Guns are good for dogs and people with no opinion may only be at the basic dog level. That could be an answer.

  3. Predatory Lending
    I have been in business and if you are a Christian you are in the way. The dogs are running the show in America and the Christians cannot act, because they are so controlled by the vast debts they owe. Many have been sucked into the vortex of bigger cars, bigger houses etc. They have sold their soul for group approval. The dogs love this state.

  4. I have heard your opinions about how there is little difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. Have you noticed how this situation is similar to Mexican politics. Two parties to vote for. Things stay the same who ever wins.The rich stay in power. Every one else remains a peon. It appears that the US is going that way. The only difference is that we don't think we are peons because of the quality of life that we have, based on the vast amounts of debt we are allowed to enslave ourselves with. I like it. However if the credit goes away we will look like Mexico very quickly.
