Saturday, April 13, 2024

Call Him TSF (Joe Did)

This week has been a depressing, stressful mess for several reasons, and I haven't been in the mood to spend much time following political news. 

A few weeks ago, Joe was captured on a live mic referring to Dooky Toadfartz as "a sick fuck." It didn't result in much controversy, and now TSF (The Sick Fuck) has gained acceptance as a convenient online shortcut when the discussion topic is TWPE (The Worst Precedent Ever). 

So what has TSF been up to lately? For starters, he's waded into quicksand on the abortion issue. For several decades, one of the primary goals of the (R) Party was the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the USSC, which would make the total abolition of abortion possible. When TSF, with the aid of Moscow Mitch, was able to add three right-wing assholes (Gorsucks, Boof and Handmaid) to Smirkin' Sammy and Clearance Sale, the GOP (now MAGA) dream finally became reality, and TSF started claiming complete credit as the Hero Who Ended Abortion Forever

Stripping American voters of what they believe are precious civil rights will usually produce a backlash, and the reversal of Roe v. Wade led to a big one: MAGA started losing elections that were believed to be in the bag for them. 

Since he desperately wants to win the November election, TSF tried the big ditch & switch again by jumping from one side of a hot issue to the other, and hoping nobody notices. By suddenly pretending to be a Classic Moderate on abortion, TSF has infuriated the hardcore MAGA Magoos, but most voters aren't buying into the switch either.

Now desperately needing some kind of reversal, TSF wants to change the focus from abortion to voting by non-citizens. Investigative studies have found that non-citizen voting is a microscopic problem, but TSF will never accept the fact that Joe kicked his butt, so he's blaming foreigners again.

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