Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Great Contraction-Page One

Since the people with most of the political power in Washington D.C. are worthless gutter trash, led by one of the three worst people ever born, we're getting off to a poor start in our national struggle to cope with COVID-19. The accurate information we need to plan sensibly is often contaminated by total bullshit the (R) propaganda mill churns out.

For about a week, the emphasis around here has been to eliminate personal interaction in confined areas like restaurants, classrooms, theaters, basketball arenas, etc. The concept of self-quarantine is something I can adapt to pretty easily, since I don't need to be surrounded by people I don't know very well to be happy and enjoy life. I've outlived my parents, one sibling, and four people I considered close friends, so natural attrition has been a factor in the downsizing of my social life.

Unless the shutdown goes on for months, I think we'll manage, assuming we still have
  • regular public utilities (electricity, water, garbage disposal, natural gas) available
  • uninterrupted internet access and phone service,
  • adequate gasoline supplies, 
  • normal postal service,
  • restocked shelves at the grocery store, and
  • decent weather.

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