Friday, August 23, 2019

False Assumptions

I've recently reached a few conclusions. One of them is that most Americans over 30 are still living in the 20th century when it comes to their perceptions of reality, and are still locked into the belief that only people who have the right combination of intelligence, expertise, experience, and patriotism will qualify to become president in the USA. Their assumption is that since he's president, Donnie must possess all the required qualifications because that's just how things are done around here. 

Since they're starting with so many incorrect assumptions, people can't comprehend the facts in this situation, The media sources they rely upon for information are chained to those same assumptions -- and either cannot or will not stop portraying Donnie as a "normal" president. Thus, most people are looking in all the wrong places, searching for possible reasons why these things are happening - instead of coming to terms with the simple truth.

The bottom line: What voters think they have and what they actually have in Donnie are two entirely different things -- but it explains why public support for impeachment isn't at least 75 percent today.

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