Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An Urgent Appeal for Fifty Bucks

In this afternoon's mail was a letter from Donny Stink Eye, requesting a donation of $50 or more to the RNC. Apparently, Stink Eye confused me with someone else who donated to the RNC in the past.

In his personal letter to me personally, Donny assured me that he needs my help to carry on his fight to MAGA in the face of partisan obstruction by the Democrats and the "false, misleading reporting of the Fake News Media."

Everything he's achieved is "at risk of being reversed by the Liberal Democrats." Well, we certainly hope so.

Strange as it seems, there are many people who buy into this horse shit.

There's only one sure way Stink Eye can make America great again: 

He can permanently exile himself, his rotten spawn, and about 40,000,000 of his most devoted admirers to Russia. Just get the fuck out, and never even think about coming back.

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