Thursday, July 12, 2018

...and not a shot has been fired.

I recently read something Nikita Khrushchev was supposed to have said around 1956. I can't quote it exactly, but essentially he remarked that Russia would defeat the United States without firing a shot. He said there was no reason to invade us, because we could be destroyed from within.

I spent time on the Internet today, trying to verify the authenticity of the statement, and I'm still not sure Khrushchev actually said it. Whether he did or not, it's obvious the prediction is basically what's happening today. In the context of what we already know to be true, it's easy for me to believe Russia's been working on a plan to facilitate the self-destruction of the United States since the days when Nikita was still in charge. And I'm only a little surprised that the cooperation of the Republican Party is an essential part of their plan.

PS No.1: Louie Gohmert is a goddamned disgrace, and knowing he went to A&M makes me want to puke.

None of this horror show would be happening if Bloody Stool hadn't been available to participate. Eventually, we'll know how Putin hooked and hauled him in so easily.

PS No. 2: Excellent report from Charles Pierce @ Esquire

As noted elsewhere, the perfect metaphor

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