Friday, July 22, 2016


For the sake of my mental health and overall happiness, I avoided watching any of the shit bath in Cleveland, Ohio this week, but I kept up with the main events via news feeds on Yahoo and Facebook. The obvious conclusion is that Trump has acquired power in the GOP with the support of the same kind of assholes who made it possible for Hitler to acquire power in 1930s Germany.

Germans believed the stuff Hitler told them about why their country had the problems it had, and that only he could make Germany great again. Republican voters believe what Trump tells them about why they have the problems they think they have, and that he alone can make America great again. Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews and other undesirables; Trump wants to get rid of Mexicans, Muslims and other undesirables. Simple solutions for simple-minded assholes.

There are three kinds of Republicans: Those who love Trump, those who love Ted Cruz, and those who love both of them. Republicans are already among the Worst People on Earth, and if they succeed in electing Trump in November, they'll have the title all to themselves.

Added 11:08 AM on Saturday 23 July:

And then there's this. Now, everything is starting to add up.

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