Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts on The Tube

I don't watch much television these days so I can't be sure, but it seems the current big trend in network TV is to load the prime-time schedules with so-called "reality" shows. Reality programs have minimal production costs and appeal to vast numbers of Americans, so they've become the industry cash cows. I don't watch those shows, but I saw a lot of their promos during commercial breaks in football games. Judging from the advertising, reality shows have nothing whatsoever to do with reality.

Like nearly everything you can name, television has its good points and bad points. Reality shows, in my opinion, are a bad point. They strike me as a load of mind-numbing crap. On the plus side, there are programs like the one my daughter recently recommended. It's a show on The Science Channel about how things are made. The first episode I saw covered the manufacture of chain saws and the production of stackable potato chips. I was fascinated for thirty minutes -- and amazed by what we can do with machinery these days.

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