Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cold weather and legs

I try to walk three miles every day, but when the temperature drops into the twenties with wind chill factors in the teens it's too damned cold to walk 45 minutes outdoors. That's why I've been at the mall the past three afternoons, and as boring as outdoor walks are, they're action-packed compared to three or four loops through the mall. I got a Sony Walkman for Christmas, so I've started downloading MP3 music files and listening through earphones while I'm chugging along. It makes the time pass more enjoyably, especially at the mall.

Late in the afternoon on weekdays, it seems like most of the people in malls are females between the ages of eighteen and thirty. I've noticed that among young women, the current fashion trend is denim jeans that are skin-tight from the hips to the ankles. It doesn't matter if they're seriously overweight or look anorexic, most of the 18-30 year-old ladies I've seen in the mall are wearing those stovepipe jeans. Often, I'm caused to wonder how they managed to slide into them and if they can possibly be comfortable. Maybe one woman in four has the physical structure to appear attractive in skin-tight jeans; the others need to try a different look.

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