Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nocturnal Frustration

There are two reasons I remember what I dream. I'll remember a dream vividly if something wakes me up in the middle of it. That's how I remember what I was dreaming at 7:30 this morning: an argument with my daughter's mother-in-law. She wants me to load two large containers of gasoline into the trunk of her car. The containers are huge and heavy; both have leaks and are spilling gasoline. The car trunk is cluttered, and I tell 'Mary' that I can't put the gasoline in her trunk because it'll spill and a spark may ignite and cause an explosion. 'Mary' replies that it's more likely that a person will die from drinking the punch at a party than from exploding gasoline.

Just then, the alarm goes off.

I also remember recurring dreams, and I had one of those earlier, before my 5:00 am trip to the bathroom. I call it 'My Economics Dream' because in it, I'm still in college and I need to finish an economics course to graduate. My problem is that the class is always moving from place to place, and I can never find it. I've had some variation of this dream off and on for at least forty years -- I'm in a car, driving through parks and parking lots and campus buildings. Driving a car up the stairs is a weird experience, by the way. I stop and ask people passing by where the economics class is being held, but none of them know.

In the most common variation of the dream, the class is algebra instead of economics. Both courses kicked my ass in college, and apparently left me with permanent psychological trauma.

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