Saturday, December 12, 2009


Colt McCoy, who spent much of the season compiling stats and wins against a fairly weak slate of opponents, came in third in the Heisman Trophy running tonight. He won some other prizes so it's not like he was told to eat shit and die, but if the comments posted on this board are an indication, orangebloods are in a bad mood over what they consider an injustice. The unmitigated arrogance of most Texas U. fans is why I hate them. The current thinking among orangebloods seems to be that since Vince Young lost the Heisman to Reggie Bush, then played USC in the Rose Bowl and won, Texas U. is now destined to defeat Alabama in the Rose Bowl. Good luck with that. Longhorn fans should be hoping the whole Albama team and its coaches have their worst game ever.

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