Reading the political news this past week was comparable to being dragged behind a mule for several miles. It caused me to daydream about breaking news stories involving Donno Duhmp and Elmo Mush (pussy-dents 47a and 47b until further notice), that would cheer me up rather than depress me.
The happy ending fantasies concerning Donno TRashdUMP, in no particular order, would be these:
- As his creeping senility accelerates, he's even less capable of handling any official responsibilities of pussydent, and he signs a letter of resignation (required by 25th amendment), believing it's another executive order.
- World leaders, including Putin, agree that he will not be permitted to attend or participate in any of their meetings, unless it's to make him the butt of cruel jokes and ridicule him. Donno has the ultimate meltdown, angrily resigns.
- Millions of MAGA monkeys finally realize they've been used by a con man who actually despises them, and Donno is swamped with death threats exactly like those the monkeys have been sending to TRashdUMP's enemies for years.
- Putin injures the delicate ego of TRashdUMP, who tries directing his fury toward Melanoma. She shoots him in self-defense (or maybe it was one of the Secret Service guys who fired all those shots).
America urgently needs to be completely finished with Elmo Mush, too. Here are the potential happy ending scenarios:
- Every federal contract or agreement still in effect with Elmo is null and void, and he's forced to reimburse the U.S. treasury for every federal dollar he's already collected.
- Elmo finds himself surrounded by at least a dozen Russian Mafia hit-men sent by Putin. Elmo is told that he must leave the United States permanently and return to South Africa within 12 hours. If he ever sets foot in the U.S. again, he'll receive the kind of treatment Joe Pesci often gets in Martin Scorsese movies.