Sunday, March 2, 2025

Happy Endings (Day 42)

Reading the political news this past week was comparable to being dragged behind a mule for several miles. It caused me to daydream about breaking news stories involving Donno Duhmp and Elmo Mush (pussy-dents 47a and 47b until further notice), that would cheer me up rather than depress me.

The happy ending fantasies concerning Donno TRashdUMP, in no particular order, would be these:

  • As his creeping senility accelerates, he's even less capable of handling any official responsibilities of pussydent, and he signs a letter of resignation (required by 25th amendment), believing it's another executive order.
  • World leaders, including Putin, agree that he will not be permitted to attend or participate in any of their meetings, unless it's to make him the butt of cruel jokes and ridicule him. Donno has the ultimate meltdown, angrily resigns.
  • Millions of MAGA monkeys finally realize they've been used by a con man who actually despises them, and Donno is swamped with death threats exactly like those the monkeys have been sending to TRashdUMP's enemies for years.
  • Putin injures the delicate ego of TRashdUMP, who tries directing his fury toward Melanoma. She shoots him in self-defense (or maybe it was one of the Secret Service guys who fired all those shots). 

America urgently needs to be completely finished with Elmo Mush, too. Here are the potential happy ending scenarios:

  • Every federal contract or agreement still in effect with Elmo is null and void, and he's forced to reimburse the U.S. treasury for every federal dollar he's already collected. 
  • Elmo finds himself surrounded by at least a dozen Russian Mafia hit-men sent by Putin. Elmo is told that he must leave the United States permanently and return to South Africa within 12 hours. If he ever sets foot in the U.S. again, he'll receive the kind of treatment Joe Pesci often gets in Martin Scorsese movies. 
Finally, anyone who voted for TRashdUMP in three consecutive elections should bear the brunt of the insane crap that Pussydents 47a and 47b are indulging in now.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Blob Had Better Beware (Day 31)

The first month of Pussydent 50% x 47 has passed, and there's something interesting posted at AlterNet today that's similar to a first ray of warm sunshine. According to the article, Republicans in Congress are getting fed up with Don Key Wrecked 'Em and his reckless rapid destruction of the federal government. A clash between the jackass and Congress isn't certain, but it's definitely possible.

If blatant corruption and complete incompetence were capital offenses according to federal statutes, Don Key Wrecked 'em and Elmo Mush would be headed for lethal injection before too long. 

PS: Putin owns Wrecked 'em. Remember when Wrecked 'em was boasting about getting peace between Russia and Ukraine by snapping his fingers? 

Those Tesla Cybertrucks are just like the bastard who manufactures them. Like Elmo Musk himself, those things are ugly as fuck, and worthless pieces of shit that can't be trusted.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Beware of The Blob (24th Day, Part 2)

When Don Key Wrecked 'Em was Pussydent 45, he was determined by presidential historians to be The Worst Precedent (sic) in American History. After Joe Biden rolled over him in 2020, I was positive that Americans had seen the last of Dangling Turd's fat worthless ass in any elected office.

It's been about three weeks since Wrecked 'Em moved back into the WH. It's hard to believe, but he's definitely much worse now as P47 than he was as P45.

According to Wrecked 'Em, the only time the USA is NOT a shithole that's ridiculed by the rest of the world is when the person in the White House is anybody other than HIM. This is the total opposite of reality and proves his current dementia. He should be escorted out of the White House in a strait jacket and confined to an institution that provides care for psychopaths 65 and older.

Take money from needy poor people and give all of it to Shit Merchants like Elon.

Here's something that's really sick: Don Key Wrecked 'Em is crawling to Putin, begging for his affection. If he gets his way, Putin will be running the United States soon. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Even More About the Return of the Blob

It's almost impossible to read the political news every day without wanting drastic actions taken to end the shitstorm that arrived on January 20th. I've decided there are two different problems which require similar solutions.

First, there's Pussident 47 (code name Dangling Turd) and at least a dozen or more unqualified nominees he dug out of garbage cans and trash dumps to fill important federal government positions (Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Junior, Pete Hegseth, Pam Bondi, et al). Then there's backup Pussident, Elon & His Muskrat Band. In football terminology, this aggregation of worthless dipshits is the offense, with their mission being permanent destruction of the U.S. Constitution and American democracy (evidently preparing for eventual Russian occupation of the place). 

The second problem is the team playing defense, led by MAGA members of the House and Senate who protect the offensive players by ignoring or rationalizing illegal activity, with reinforcement from corporate/legacy media churning out propaganda normalizing the horror show. Those playing defense by protecting the offense should be eliminated by removing them from positions of authority in Congress, or closing down their newspapers and networks.

PS: Just enforce the goddamned laws that are already in the books, for cryin' out loud.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

More About Return of The Blob

We will always know when Don Old Dipshit is responsible for some kind of fucking disaster or catastrophe, because he will immediately blame it on Barack Obama and/or Joe Biden. What a worthless piece of rotten meat.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Return of The Blob, Day 4

For the record, Pussydent (sic) Don Old Hump will never do anything that makes the United States a better place by strengthening national unity. Instead of improving the lives of all Americans, the Waste of Shit's goals and priorities will be limited to the following:

  • Personal enrichment
  • Complete absence of accountability for all illegal or immoral activities
  • Satisfying Vladimir Putin by weakening America

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Football 2024 (CFP National Championship)

I haven't spent much time watching the CFP games on television, since most of the playoff games matched teams I don't particularly care about, and most weren't close:

  • Notre Dame defeated Indiana 27-17
  • Texas U. defeated Clemson 38-24
  • Penn State defeated Southern Methodist 38-10
  • Ohio State defeated Tennessee 42-17 
  • Penn State defeated Boise State 31-14
  • Ohio State defeated Oregon 41-21
  • Texas U. defeated Arizona State 39-31
  • Notre Dame defeated Georgia 23-10

Those preliminary games narrowed the field down to Notre Dame, Ohio State, Penn State, and Texas. In the semifinal games played this week, Notre Dame beat Penn State 27-24. That left the semifinal game I was interested in seeing: Ohio State vs Texas U.

I'm not a fan of Ohio State, since the Buckeyes beat the last Texas A&M team to win a conference championship (Big 12 in 1998). On the other hand, Texas U. is to college football as Don Old Bump is to national politics - I hate their damned guts. The possibility that the longhorns might play in and win the CFP national championship in their first season as an SEC member was just too much to stomach, so last night, I turned on ESPN and watched the fourth quarter of Ohio State vs Texas U.

When I tuned in, the score was tied 14-14, and the Buckeyes were finishing a long time-consuming drive that ended in a touchdown and a 21-14 lead with about half of the 4th quarter remaining. The longhorns quickly drove into position to tie the score, but a fumble recovered by OSU and returned 83 yards for a TD and a 28-14 lead was followed by an interception that ended the final longhorn possession in a 28-14 loss. 

So it's Notre Dame against Ohio State in the national championship game. Notre Dame beat Texas A&M in the first game of the 2024 Aggie season, so I'll probably pull for Ohio State to kick some Irish ass.

Final update 10:24 AM Thursday 1/23: As expected, Ohio State defeated Notre Dame 34-23

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tuesday Tripe

Aileen (Loose) Cannon is in the same class as Smug Sammy Alito and Clearance Sale Thomas when it comes to open corruption and judicial incompetence. Why should we need to keep tolerating her silly, worthless bullshit

Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys gang, was convicted on charges of seditious conspiracy, sentenced to 22 years in prison, and is now seeking a full pardon from Demented Don Old. Setting the worst of the J6 criminals free won't win Don Old many new friends, since most Americans are against it.