Thursday, May 23, 2019

Very Sick Minds

Why does Donny Stink Eye behave like a flaming asshole 80 percent of the time, and a psychopath the other 20 percent? Eventually, shelves of books will have been written in an attempt to explain it, but one big reason is that there are dozens of people who are willing to belly-crawl for a chance to sniff his rear end. Even though most of them probably have good educations and could get decent employment elsewhere, they gladly make fools of themselves in front of TV cameras whenever Sink Eye snaps his tiny fingers. They make up pages of bullshit every day to deny obvious facts, defend his psychopathic evil, and shield him from reality that offends him.

Stink Eye is obsessed with television, and he perceives everything in terms of show business in general and reality shows in particular. In his diseased mind, he's the ultimate TV megastar, and the people he orders to debase themselves before him are part of that hour's performance. A few haven't been willing to crawl up his butt, and they've since moved on. As long as he's surrounded by people who'll happily eat shit out of his underwear whenever he tells them to, Donny has no reason to believe there are any limits to his power.

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