Monday, June 26, 2017

So much winning, so much lying

Most politicians tell lies occasionally, and all of them have told at least one or two. Often their lies can be described as "omitting certain relevant, but inconvenient, facts."

Then Comrade Jackinoff came along, and he lies so often, it's hard to keep an accurate count. And Jackinoff doesn't stop at shading the truth -- he lies about everything, including things he's said on the record within the previous 24 hours. Telling one outrageous, obvious lie after another to nitwits who ate 'em up like candy got Comrade Jackinoff elected and proved there was no longer any penalty for ignoring facts completely.

All of which explains why nearly every Republican in Washington is now willing to face the nearest TV camera and lie like a motherfucking dog about the Trump Care tax cut for billionaires legislation. They all understand it's a prerequisite for membership on the team.

Donnie's embarrassing panty line (2000)

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